Girl from MK
The girl I always wanted –
the girl I never wanted back,
The girl who gave me two black aortas,
who made me laugh to my borders
cry through my breakfast,
I most likely disturbed your memory
when I dug up something cold in the yard –
Hold my hand I say now,
risk disease with me.
the girl I never had.
For one brief turn about the terminal
I could have stutter spat your name,
gushing as a bleed out, you are the girl
I’d always swear was God, before God,
before God had a single syllable name,
fingerprints foreseeing one grand entrance,
on each vein in your broken wrist.
You came and went berserk
at the mention of years to come,
Hotel room impersonal, you say you are gone
from a pay phone downstairs,
what did I expect?
I’m way too yes that’s me sir for you,
Maestro is enticing you
from within your glove compartment,
simply can’t bring your own oils to my bath anymore
but you’ll sing on the phone for me,
remind me that the one I have now
is a blue ball of yarn to your string of
tripping Christmas bulbs,
that you’re the gift I had never unwrapped,
that I want you
but never want you back.
Tessa Foley