Angels and Archaic Heads
Today we confessed to each other our ambivalence towards Rilke.
You admitted you detested his whiney prose in Letters to a Young Poet
so I doubled down to his slushy poems - those dreary Duino Elegies
I have tried so hard to love in various translations & you said you were
with me there & it was all joy so we ordered more tea & paused
to adore Adrienne Rich and Lucille Clifton before returning to the man:
hmmm still some flashes of genius, I opined - angels and archaic heads
and such – & we remembered Klossowska, the neglected artist who
gave herself up to nurturing the poet in his final years. You added
that Rilke wasn't all-out sexist like some of them, a point in his favour.
True, I replied, considering the times.
But hang on surely that should
not be a point in his favour but merely a point that doesn't count
against him. My friend, let us remind ourselves we do not need to be
a pair of wary females always pleasantly surprised not to be obliterated.
Jacqueline Saphra